Upcoming Classes &Workshops
~ Rejuvenate your Radiance Retreat ~
Moving from Loss to Connection with Kimberly Gladysz
February 18th-23rd, 2025
Kauai, Hawaii

Join us in a serene, intimate and supportive setting on Kauai, where you can connect with others and rediscover your true essence
Find inner peace in the harmony of nature, movement and meditation
A True Island Adventure…
We will be immersed in nature and on an adventure of a lifetime! Since Kimberly lives on Kauai, we will spend time together in very special local nature sanctuaries as we honor this sacred island that is known for her true gentle healing and spiritual energies. There will also be fun guided opportunities to swim, hike and to simply enjoy the wild beauty of Kauai!
Learn More and Register Here
~ The Embodied Heart Retreat- Ecuador with Tati Davila ~
Weaving the Divine Feminine & Masculine energies to active the Power to Create

March 9th-15th, 2025
Join Maestra Curandera Tati Davila & Gregg Westwood MA for this exceptional retreat in Ecuador!
We live in a rich time. Currently, we have the opportunity to learn from the wisdom of the elders from the South, newly available to us worldwide.
By combining this knowledge with insights from the North, East, and West, you will deepen your connection to who you truly are.
Learn More and Register Here
Past Classes & Workshops
~ Dissolve Into Who You Truly Are ~
A class to dive into discoveries and insights that I experienced on my journeys of spiritual consciousness to Puerto Rico and Ecuador.
You will hear insights and experience techniques that will support you in surrendering to your authentic self and following your heart’s wisdom.
~ Embody Your True Self ~
How to embody your true self without masks – even if you feel ashamed.
Friday, November 11th, 2022
A Deeply Experiential Virtual Immersion
It’s easy to have compassion for others.
It’s not so easy to have compassion for ourselves.
The Inner Journey Series:
These classes will utilize the ancient practices of meditation, conscious breathing and shamanic drumming to access the deeper realms of your soul. The drumming journey in particular increases access to your creativity and stimulates its cultivation.
Authentic Movement allows your body to move freely, working through any inhibitions to the Journeys experience and message. As you integrate these experiences into your body, you develop ideas for connecting with these gifts and sharing them with your community.
Classes in the Series will focus on Embracing;
- Your Creative Spirit
- Your Inner Guidance
- Your Essential Strength and Power
- Your Authentic Truth
- Your Personal Magic
- Your Divine Purpose
- Your Future Self
Discover the Language & Movement of Your Heart
A Creative Embodied Healing Workshop
with Gregg Westwood & Meredith Heller
Move To Your Heartbeat with Gregg Westwood
Join us for a drumming and movement journey to discover and embody your unique heartbeat. Utilizing the ancient practices of meditation, conscious breathing, drumming and movement, you will access the deeper realms of your soul. By slowing down, quieting your mind, and relaxing your body, you will transcend disconnection, stress, tension, and stuckness into connection, ease, flow and self love, and become inspired to express your unique message to the world.
Your Heart Knows the Way with Meredith Heller
Join us for a writing journey to discover the language of your heart.
Using embodied and written practices we will connect
with our heartbeat as the compass that guides us home:
to feel more open, inspired, vital, and connected.
What makes YOUR heart beat?